For Noddy Holder’s cameo Mark a bit freaked out that Noddy ‘didn’t quite look like Noddy’: “I didn’t expect him to have a top hat with mirrors or anything but he just looked so cool and contemporary. With one of those little beards where there’s just a bit of hair under your bottom lip. He was really friendly, although I don’t think he liked me calling him Nod. That was probably a bit over familiar but he just seemed like an old mate cos we all grew up with him.”
Math Priest, drummer from Dodgy (and Misty’s then-manager) played the dodgy manager in the video.
During the gig scene, the shot of Gareth moving through the crowd was originally done in amongst the crowd, but Mark quickly aborted this approach as it looked ‘too much like Russ Abbott’s Atmosphere video’. Check just how much
here. There’s also lots of shots that didn’t make it into the final video
Because of its Franz Ferd/Kaisers-lampooning content Fashion Parade got a lot of press attention, making various national publications and page 3 of the Scottish Sun. Rumour has it that when the Kaisers’ manager saw it he pissed himself laughing, but when the Franz Ferdinand manager saw it he stormed out of the room. But it’s only a rumour.
Fashion Parade was widely seen, went a bit viral on YouTube, gained some celebrity fans (Adam Buxton, Jarvis Cocker etc) and made the NME’s Top 10 YouTube Clips of the year. It also meant that Mark will probably never do a video for Franz Ferdinand or the Kaiser Chiefs.