Grandmaster Gareth and Ambrose.
Techically Mark’s first video for Misty’s, or at least it was started first and finished much later. Some scenes hit the cutting room floor, including a pre-pyjamas shoot in a rapeseed field, and pyjama scenes at a cashpoint and a zebra crossing.
The dog in the video was Gareth’s idea (Mark never has dog ideas cos he’s allergic) and was called Ambrose. He sadly died recently, as did Moxie the dog from Jeff and Jack Lewis’s Posters, but he had a good life.
On a dog theme, the car park near the castle used for the final scene is apparently a famous dogging area, which explains why Mark got so much attention when he arrived early to eat chips in his car with the interior light on.
There are no amusing outtakes from this video, and no photos either, which is why we’re reduced to mentioning dogging.
Night Time premiered as part of the Flatpack Film Festival and also got some MTV2 play, despite being two years too late. Look out for: the band’s different haircuts and Mark’s Mom’s white jogging bottoms on Gareth. (He also wears them in The Story Of Love as part of his white ‘suit’.)